Phoenix Suns’ Tyler Ennis Voted Best Rookie Playmaker


It is no secret that the most recent rookie class was much hyped. Not only for the top notch talent but also for it’s great depth. A survey conducted to explore the rookies that fit best into each category was released last week and it appears as though Phoenix Suns’ very own Tyler Ennis and T.J. Warren has been featured.

During the annual Rookie Photo Shoot, 38 rookies answered eight questions about their fellow classmates and over those eight questions, 39 different first-year players received at least one vote. But it’s clear who they think is at the top of their class.

Jabari Parker takes top marks in “Rookie of the Year” category, while fellow T.J. Warren of the Suns gets honorable mention and a handful of the votes.

T.J. Warren’s accolades don’t stop there. He came in third in the “Which rookie will have the best career?” category with 8.1% of the votes. The Suns’ T.J. Warren gets the “Jack of all trades, master of none” award for this Rookie Survey. He got eight total votes, but in six different categories, with this being the only question he got multiple votes on.

Rookie Tyler Ennis takes the cake in the “Which rookie is the best playmaker?” category. With 24.3% of the votes, no one even comes close to him. This is very good news for the Suns next season. With fresh new talent and a rookie voted “best playmaker” of his class, the Phoenix Suns have some very strong potential entering a new season.

The survey noted, “Ennis is obviously a more traditional point guard and, as a Canadian, gets to work with Steve Nash in the summer. Anderson, who is 6-foot-9 and averaged 6.5 assists in his last year at UCLA, should be fun to watch in the Spurs’ system. “He’s always been a pass-first facilitator,” another rookie said.” 

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