Arizona Coyotes Trade Rumors – Zbynek Michalek


With the NHL trade deadline looming, the Arizona Coyotes have several players that are likely to be traded. One in particular, is Zbynek Michalek.

We are just about down to the wire as the trade deadline is next Monday on March 2 and Arizona has yet to make any moves. Apparently, the Coyotes were close to moving Michalek, but his injury put a stop the supposed trade.

TVA sports reporter Renaud Lavoie tweeted:

Michalek recently went down with what the Coyotes have said was an upper body-injury. According to TSN’s Bob McKenzie though, the upper-body injury is a concussion.

A significant injury such as a concussion, would be something that could really affect Arizona’s return in a deal involving Michalek.

It’s not something that would make him impossible to move though. He will still undoubtedly be traded, but due to his injury, it may take longer for any deals involving him to be made. Teams are going to want to wait and see how his recovery is going before they offer up anything in return for him.

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There were no details as to what the Coyotes were going to get in return.

There were no teams mentioned in the nixed deal, but Michalek’s name has been linked to several teams prior to this rumor. The St. Louis Blues, Anaheim Ducks, Detroit Red Wings, Tampa Bay Lightning and the San Jose Sharks are all rumored to be seeking Michalek’s services.

According to Bruce Garrioch of The Ottawa Sun, Sharks General Manager Doug Wilson has been trying to acquire Michalek,

"“Sources say he’s held talks with Arizona (don’t call me Phoenix) Coyotes GM Don Maloney about the possibility of acquiring defenceman Zybnek Michalek.”"

Michalek is a solid stay at home defenseman. He won’t score a ton of goals, but he will strengthen the defense and add depth to whatever team he ends up with.

It’ll be unfortunate to see him go for a second time. He’s a fan favorite, plays the game right and isn’t afraid to throw himself in front of a shot. His trade will be for the good of the future of the team.

With Arizona in the middle of a rebuild, expect them to get real busy real quick. The trade deadline is less than a week away, so, stay tuned as rumors fly and deals are made.